As with the exercise of a series of "clear vision" , Follow your doctor's wearing glasses. If a doctor has recommended you to wear glasses all the time or work in close proximity to the eye, and doing the exercises, be in them. If he gave you a choice - to wear or not to wear glasses while reading - then proceed as you wish, provided that you can view the details on a smiley face in Table I. If you wear bifocals, which do not allow you to see the entire table at once, then again, act so that you would be better to consider it.
Exercises to practice breadth of view made with both eyes open. Start with exercises "Broad vision I». To move quickly from one exercise to another, but on the condition that you all get. If you become difficult to return to the previous exercise, or the stage, where you have all worked easily. Work out a little longer with the previous table, or stage, and then move on to the next, but not before, make sure that the preceding table, or step you successfully worked. After reaching the exercises "Broad Vision IV», SMU and its further use in training the eye is only him.
With the exception of the table for the exercise "Broad Vision IV», you do not need to keep the table on the distance from your eyes on what you usually keep on reading the text. If during exercise pictures or letters will begin to merge together and divide in two, so exercise series "Wide Vision" is not for you. Perhaps you have any problems with the eye muscles, which require the help of professional fitness trainer for the eyes.
Broad vision I
Exercise "Broad vision I» consists of seven steps. Embrace each step before moving on to the next. Do not forget about breathing and relaxation - stress the body and breath holding at all steps, except the first, slow down your progress.
1. Use the table to exercise "broad vision I». Look at the smiley face in the center of the table. Consider all the details. Try to see the dark circles that make up the eyes, and two tiny white circle surrounding the black community.Focus on the tiny black-and-white eyes, and try to consider the smallest of details. Only at this point, strain muscles and hold your breath.
2. Now relax your eyes, still softly look at the smiley face. Peripheral vision check eight black squares. They form a rectangle. Until you do, do not stare into a face, otherwise you will lose sight of them. To increase control over the peripheral vision, follow steps 3, 4 and 5.
3. staring at the smiling faces, select three of the square on the right. Now, while still holding to the view faces, shift your attention to the three squares left. Then shift your attention to the top three of the square, and then - in the bottom three. Continue to transfer attention, not looking up from the faces, the three boxes to the right, left, up and down, until you can not easily see both a face and three squares. Do not forget to keep a relaxed and breathe.
4. Now expand attention to such an extent that it was possible to see a face and six squares (right and left) comprising two vertical sides of the rectangle. By mastering this skill, turn attention and try to see a face and six squares that make up the top and bottom of the rectangle. Continue to transfer attention turns with six faces and a face on the side of the squares, and six squares above and below the rectangle. By moving the focus, keep a soft look at the smiling faces. Do not work too hard and do not forget to breathe.
5. As soon as you will easily gets to see a face and six squares simultaneously, including peripheral vision at full capacity and at the same time learn to see a face and the eight surrounding squares. Again, do not exert yourself, and remember to breathe.
6. During this step, you will see the details in turn train and the whole picture.
A. Start with a closer look at the smiley face. Focus your attention on the center of her white eyes. Try to see a face as clearly as possible, including her smiling mouth. See the whole in its entirety.
B. Relax your eyes. Continue to hold the view of a face, but not close, and soft. Try to see with peripheral vision and a face, and the eight surrounding squares at a time. C. Continue to alternate between steps A and B. For details, the whole thing. Details of the whole thing. There, here, there, here. Relax and keep breathing. If a mug or any of the squares disappear gently blink.
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